Withstanding Temptation

Ryan Lowery
James 1:12-18

James continues to urge believers to live mature Christian lives, this time focusing on withstanding temptation. Temptation is not a sin, but left unchecked it can lead to desire, then lust, and finally sinful actions. Christians must remember that God never tempts us and will help us withstand temptation, but the battle is won or lost at the start, before it becomes lust.

The Spiritual Dynamics of Temptation

Dennis McCallum
James 1:12-18

What is at stake for believers in resisting temptation:\r\nHabituation- the satisfaction of giving in to temptation does not last, always need more.\r\nRelational Alienation- results from secret habits, sexual exploitation.\r\nDiscrediting- believers hope our lives draw people toward God but sin discredits our witness.\r\nSpiritual Erosion- The shame we feel when giving in to temptation creates tension between us and God.\r\nWhen temptation to sin arises, we must avoid shifting blame, especially to God, but instead take personal responsibility. Temptation is deceiving. Look for the lie behind every temptation and confront it with Scriptural truth. The ultimate ability to refuse temptation comes from having an accurate view of the goodness of God.

Trials from Within

Chris Risley
James 1:12-18

James warns believers not to be deceived and fall to temptation, which often promises freedom and happiness, but instead often leads to addiction, shame, and alienated relationships. In order to break the cycle of temptation, we must identify what part of our desire is legitimate and where we may be deceived, turning to the Word of God to shed light, and recognizing that every temptation is an opportunity to trust and glorify God.


James Rochford
James 1:12-18

James warns believers not to be deceived and fall to temptation, which often promises freedom and happiness, but instead often leads to addiction, shame, and alienated relationships. In order to break the cycle of temptation, we must be open with other believers, stop blame-shifting, change our mind about the goodness of God, and admit that our thoughts and feelings are not as trustworthy as the Word of God.

The Truth About Temptation

Chris Hearty
James 1:12-18

James distinguishes between God who tests us for our good, to strengthen our faith and Satan who tempts us to bring about spiritual death. Satan uses seduction and deception to make us believe the lies behind the temptation and thus, enslaving us to sin. The key to avoiding the deception of temptation is believing and focusing on the truth. Temptation does not come from God, but from the desires in our hearts that Satan uses to entice us to sin. Instead, we must remember God will always show us a way out of any temptation. Victory is only found in the Cross of Christ.


Mike Sullivan
Genesis 19:1-36

In the lives of Abraham and Lot we see a contrast between the former's life of faith and the latter's life of spiritual compromise, and also the undeserved grace and compassion of God. From the story of Lot, we learn that it is possible to be a true believer but live a life of compromise and defeat, which has a negative effect on those around us, but that God continues to pursue us because he loves us.

Humanity's Wrong Turn

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 2:15-16

In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam and Eve a clear command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a choice that represented either trusting Him or taking authority for themselves. Satan appeared in the form of a serpent to persuade them to eat the fruit, a choice that has led to mankind being alienated from God, each other, their own heart, and creation. Then God initiated a plan of hope and rescue.

Humanity's Wrong Turn

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 3:1-21

Chapter 3 of Genesis describes the fall of man when Adam and Eve believed Satan's lies and chose to rebel against God. As a result, we no longer live in harmony with God, ourselves, or nature, but rather live in a broken version of God's good creation. However, even from the earliest stages of man's alienation, we see God moving towards people and working to cover over their shame and make a way back to Him.

Spiritual Authenticity

Ben Foust
Matthew 23:27-33

In the story of Ananias and Sapphira, we see God protect the church from another serious threat: hypocrisy.\r\nHow do we answer the difficult questions raised by this passage? And how does Christ free us from the pull of hypocrisy?\r\n