Doing Good for Society

Jim Leffel
Titus 3:1-2

In the context of the Roman-political climate, Paul commands the believers to be obedient to the authorities despite the cultural tension. He also commands the believers to show consideration to others as a way of demonstrating God's love.

Is there Hope for Successful Marriages?

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 5:22-32

Historically, many people have believed the Bible teaches patriarchy and that women must submit to men because they are inferior to men. This could not be further from the truth! The Bible actually extols women. Submission means showing a willingness to be responsive to servant leadership. Men are to love their wives as Jesus loves the Church by laying down their lives for their wives.

The Call to Transformtion

Jim Leffel
Titus 2:1-10

For a Christian, truth should lead to a transformed life that a watching, lost world deeply longs for. Every stage of life of a Christian, whether you are young or old, male or female, is an opportunity to allow God to bring about transformation that honors the Gospel, silences critics, and adorns the message of grace.

Marriage, God's Way

Scott Risley
Ephesians 5:22-33

God calls Christians to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Submission is not a popular idea today or throughout history. In marriage, the wife is to submit to the leadership of her husband. The husband is to love his wife. Marriage is going to take everything you have, but with Christ, you can have a successful marriage. But we must learn to do things His way. Jesus gave us an example when He submitted to the Father and went to the cross for our sake.

Faith that Works

Gary DeLashmutt
James 2:14-26

It can seem like Paul and James are in conflict over what is genuine faith. Is it by faith or works? In reality, they are teaching two different lessons about genuine faith. Paul teaches that one is accepted by God in His sight by faith in Jesus' work for you, not your work for God. James is teaching people will only know you have been accepted by God by your actions that demonstrate your faith in God.

Transforming Leadership Part 1:The Heart of Leadership

Jim Leffel
Titus 1:1-4

The three dimensions of transformed leadership are three overlapping circles consisting of Servant, Relationship and Calling. Paul introduces himself as the servant of God, transformed by His love. He is writing to his true son in the faith, Titus. He identifies his calling as an apostle of Jesus, sent on a sacred task. Transformed people transform leadership.

The Diversity of Gifting and Roles in the Body of Christ

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 4:7-16

Many modern churches have a centralized leadership model where the pastor or priest is the head of the church and the rest of the congregation looks to the pastor to do the majority of the work. Whereas the Biblical model has a decentralized model where there are leaders but the entire work of ministry is distributed among all the members of the church. The Bible is clear all Christians have been given spiritual gifts to be used to serve the Body of Christ, building it up in love.

Unity Out of Diversity

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:7-16

Because Christians are united with Christ, they have unity with other Christians. This is not a unity we generate, but a unity we must strive to maintain. Just as our bodies are made up of many parts, so too is the Body of Christ made up of many different individuals who work together, each doing their unique role, to build up the Body of Christ for the work God created each of us to do.

Serving Others Leads to Joy

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:17-18

Paul gladly poured out his life in service to the Philippians. He viewed it as a privilege that brought him joy. He wanted them to likewise pour out their lives in service to others. We can find four tips for embracing a lifestyle of sacrificial service to others in Philippians 2:19-30. Tip #1: Focus on the spiritual welfare of a few specific people. Tip #2: Serve with other servants. Tip #3: Be willing to serve in whatever ways are needed. Tip #4: Be willing to take some risks in your service.