Keys to Healthy Spiritual Community

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 5:12-15

The practical instruction Paul gives on building a successful spiritual community begins with having a relationship with God. It requires the right attitude toward spiritual leadership. And it requires each of us taking responsibility to help those around us to grow and working hard to make peace as conflicts arise.

Spiritual Gifts

Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 12:4-11

In this passage, Paul lists out some of the spiritual gifts with an emphasis on the ways these gifts can be used to serve others.

Serving Love and Sexuality

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4:1-5

Even secular studies confirm that God's standard for sexual integrity is the best way to go. The cultural beliefs about sex and marriage are overwhelmingly refuted by research data. The biblical path leads to a God-centered marriage where sexual love is reserved for marriage, where both spouses are growing toward God first , then toward each other.

Excellent Behavior:Suffering Unjustly Part 2

Ben Foust
1 Peter 2:18-25

Peter urged his listeners to show Christ to the world by what they do. When they suffered unjustly, they responded with good and not evil. They exchanged the favor of men for the favor of God and deferred justice to the One true Judge.

Serving Love in Community

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

As we learn to love one another as Jesus loved us, we become a self-giving community of people who love each other under God's leadership.

Ten Key Elements of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

As Paul went around telling people the Good News, he made every effort to not invalidate his message by his behavior. He modeled these ten key elements of serving love. Serving love is counter-intuitive, based on the Good News, has integrity, is supremely valuable, and is also a "means of grace."

Living Stones

Ben Foust
1 Peter 2:4-10

As living stones in God's spiritual temple, we are a part of what God is doing in the world. As living stones we are different, serve together, and have purpose.

Simeon and Anna

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 2:25-38

Simeon and Anna can give us a picture of what our lives can be like as seniors. We don't have to wait around to die or live for self, but can have a spiritually vibrant life faithfully serving God.

Slavery and Scripture

Scott Risley
Ephesians 6:5-9

Some skeptics try to argue the Bible supports the practice of slavery, but the reality is The Bible has a high regard for slaves. In the Old Testament, God proscribes humane treatment of slaves. The New Testament (NT), calls Christians to consider themselves slave, slaves to Christ. In the NT, slaves are treated as humans in God's image. Masters and slaves were both saved by grace. All Christians began calling themselves slaves of Christ. The most shocking point of all is that Jesus became a slave on our behalf. The Master submitted to the slaves and calls us to follow His lead.