The Exodus: Lessons in Spiritual Growth

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 17:6

Paul looks back on the story of the Exodus to illustration how to grow spiritually. To grow spiritually, we need to have a thirst for God. We also need to be wary of anything that would take precedence over God. Paul shows how many of the experiences the Hebrews had during the time of the Exodus are still prevalent in our lives today

Being Potent Spiritual Influencers

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 3:12-16

Have you ever desired to be a potent spiritual influence in the lives of others? This teaching covers important aspects of how to be a spiritual influence for others!

How Peter Knew That Acts 10 Was God's Will

Scott Risley
Acts 11:1-18

Peter's response to God's will in the moment when it comes to baptizing new believers in Christ. How can we find-out from God what His will is in our own lives?

A Fresh Way of Appropriating the Bible's Truths

Ryan Weingartner
Romans 5:2-5

Learning to appropriate biblical truth is crucial to growing with God. The three truths that are foundational to understand are: substitution, identity, and eternal. All three are needed for spiritual growth. There are many negative symptoms that come when one or more of these truths are lacking. It is wise to start off by memorizing scripture with these truths and to talk to God about them in your prayer life.

Knowing Christ

Mike Sullivan
John 12:23-24

As people who have been made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ, Christians are now capable of growing in their personal relationship with Him. This growth is a privilege, and even though it should be a passion for all believers, it is easy to devalue the importance and joy that comes from knowing Jesus personally. To grow in our relationship with God involves admitting that: we have not arrived at a perfect knowledge of Christ yet, sharing in Christ's sufferings, and realizing we have not yet arrived at perfect knowledge and will not do so in this life.

The Law of Love

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 12:1-13

The fulfillment of God's Law can be seen through the Law of Love in a Christians life. In other words, the highest virtue to pursue is love and that should motivate and inform the decisions we make and how we interact with others.

Real Love for Others

Ryan Lowery
Romans 12:9-21

Perhaps the biggest priority for Christians is to display real, authentic love towards others. This type of love is dynamic and can call us to be initiative, committed and forward-focused. Having a lifestyle like this allows for God to be seen more clearly through our lives and relationships.


Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 12:12-20

God's design for us to grow with Him is within the context of interdependent relationships within a community of Christians that are committed to loving and serving one another for the good of others. As such, we cannot have intimacy with others while being autonomous. Community thrives when members are looking to use the gifts God has given them to contribute to the needs of others.

A Life Lived with God

Ryan Lowery
John 17:14-21

True worship of God is not about ritual, but sacrificing our whole lives for God in response for what He did for at the cross. As we live our lives more in line with what God's will is, our thinking is able to be transformed and we are able to become more distinct amidst a culture that doesn't care about God's values. This teaching also uses an Ohio State University example to describe what people in our culture worship.