Dealing with Deception

Jim Leffel
Titus 1:10-16

There are two forms of deception the enemy uses to lead people away from God. They are a false gospel which plays into peoples fear and pride and distortion/distraction which leads people to doubt the truth of the message and whether they could see themselves becoming a Christian. We combat these deceptions by using our freedoms wisely and showing people in word and deed that we are Jesus' disciples.

The Spirit-Filled Life

James Rochford
Proverbs 23:29-35

The key to deep change that leads to a Spirit-filled life is the Holy Spirit. First, one must put their faith in Jesus to forgive their sins, and they will receive the Holy Spirit. Next, living a life of speaking God's truth, giving thanks, and serving others in love leads to a life of sacrificial love, or a Spirit-filled life.

God's Triumph

Mike Sullivan
Romans 6:23

Christ won a great triumph on the cross. As Christians follow him, he leads us in triumph by making us a sweet aroma of of the knowledge of Him wherever we go. People react in different ways to this aroma. To some it is an aroma of life and to others it is the stench of death. We can be aromatic in a good way by following Christ's lead, by giving your life to God to love others, and by remaining true to God's Word.

Transforming Leadership Part 2:Character and Competence

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 13:7

The household of God is a life lived in community with other Christians. The house church is a place a seeker can explore if the Word is true and if they can see themselves as one of them, the members of the house church. Titus is reminded that he should choose leaders that exhibit character that is above reproach and have competence and confidence in the Word.

How to Get the Most Out of God's Word

Gary DeLashmutt
James 1:19-27

James writes to the deceived Christians a blunt rebuke and gives them a description of authentic spirituality. He explains how to listen to God through His Word. The key is having the proper heart attitude before, during and after approaching His Word. Before, come as a sick person, in need of help. During, come with humility, eager to receive the Word. After, come with the intent to act upon what the Word reveals.

Transforming Leadership Part 1:The Heart of Leadership

Jim Leffel
Titus 1:1-4

The three dimensions of transformed leadership are three overlapping circles consisting of Servant, Relationship and Calling. Paul introduces himself as the servant of God, transformed by His love. He is writing to his true son in the faith, Titus. He identifies his calling as an apostle of Jesus, sent on a sacred task. Transformed people transform leadership.

The Big Picture

Jim Leffel
Titus 1:1-5

The world we live in, with its culture and values, shapes our ideals, values, goals, and understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. We can allow the world system to conform us to its values or we can live in a pleasing, counter-cultural way, grounded in truth, and lived out in ways that transform us and all whom we encounter.

Combating Spiritual Deception

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 10:1-6

Paul's weapon against false teachers was God's Word communicated with God's power. Church leaders are responsible to protect members from spiritual deception by providing spiritual nourishment, examples of Christ-like love, direction and protection from falsehood. Church members are responsible to grow in spiritual discernment by practicing discernment of external messages and internal though-habits.

Putting On the New Self Pt1

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:20-28

When you become a Christian, God gives you a new identity. In Christ, the old has gone and the new has come. But you need to believe and live out that "new you." As you keep your eyes on Jesus and that truth, God will renew your mind and transform your character as you learn to walk in love. As people see the transformation in you, God will get the glory.