What's the Point of Communion?

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Paul addresses an instance of inappropriate taking of Communion in the Corinthian church. With misunderstanding of communion prevalent today, it is important to examine what Communion is and isn't.

The Triumphal Entry

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 5:5

Soon before his crucifixion Jesus enters Jerusalem, greeted by people who anticipate he is the Messiah who would conquer their oppressors. Instead, his entry marks the start of his trip to the cross to suffer for the sins of man, and conquer the oppression of sin for those who seek him.

The Spirit: God's Conduit for Wisdom

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 2:6-16

After contrasting God's wisdom with human wisdom, the Apostle Paul teaches the Corinthians that Godly wisdom can only be obtained through the Holy Spirit, alive within those who have trusted themselves to Jesus. We can grow in spiritual maturity as the Spirit transforms our mind to align with God's way of thinking.

Predicting the Date of Jesus? Death

James Rochford
Nehemiah 2:1-8

The prophet, Daniel, makes a miraculous prediction of when the Messiah will come "to put an end to sin." This amazing prophecy was fulfilled in the person of Christ, hundreds of years after it was made, as he died just when Daniel predicted.

The Seventy Weeks

Ryan Lowery
Daniel 9:1-26

Daniel has been a captive of Babylon for many years, when one day while reading the book of Jeremiah he came across an exciting piece of information: the predicted end time of captivity was only a few years away. Immediately in response to this realization Daniel praised God. While Daniel was praying he received an incredible prophecy for the future messiah. Daniel 9 accurately predicts the coming of the Messiah 500 years before the event took place.

He Is Risen!

Scott Risley
John 20:1-18

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a hotly debated topic denied by atheist scholars and surprisingly, by many so-called Christian scholars. A common reason for this denial is the belief that the four Gospel accounts are inherently contradictory and cannot be fit together. Fortunately, the four Gospel accounts can be harmonized and the evidence for the resurrection is quite compelling. What do you think is the best explanation of the evidence for the resurrection?

The Death of the Son of God

Scott Risley
Luke 23:1-43

Jesus stood on trial before Pilate and Herod. He then faced excruciating torture and death by crucifixion. This fulfilled the prophecy about the Messiah who was also called the Son of Man. This solved humanity's biggest problem of sin which separates us from God. Jesus died in our place to make us right with God.

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Luke 22:39-23:38

It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of Jesus' death on the cross! Not only did Jesus endure immensely painful physical torture and humiliating psychological torment, he also bore God's judgment for all of humanity's sin and was rejected by his Father. As arrogant humanity acted out its historic contempt for God, God acted out of His humble love for us by offering us forgiveness through Jesus.

The Final Night: Betrayed, Disowned and Alone

Scott Risley
2 Corinthians 7:10

On Jesus' final night everyone failed him. Luke described the betrayal of Jesus by Judas and Peter. The difference between Judas and Peter wasn't in the nature of their failure but in their response to failure. Judas responded with regret while Peter responded with repentance.