Who You Really Are

Kait Casassa

It's easy for people to view their mental health diagnoses or traumatic histories as their identity. This session explores biblical identity and its power for lasting change.

God's Call

Mike Sullivan
Ezekiel 1:1-2:7

Through God's call of Ezekiel, we can observe that God often calls people to do His work in times of difficulty.

Putting Others Before Ourselves

Kay Robinson
Philippians 2:1-15

Jesus is our perfect example of putting others ahead of self. He set aside His godly attributes to become like us in human form in order to rescue us from the penalty of our sin. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to follow His example of self-sacrifice through dependence upon the God's Word, prayer, and the ministry of suffering.

Follow Up: Growth, Persecution, and Judgment

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 1:1-10

God, in all His amazing wisdom, is able to use the suffering and persecution Christians receive, to grow us spiritually. He promises that those who persecute us will come under eternal judgment, if they refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus.

Leading Through Difficult Trials

Ben Foust
1 Peter 5:1-4

While Peter exhorts all Christians to entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right, in this passage, he specifically addresses leaders. He calls on leaders to shepherd the flock because they are fellow partakers of Christ's suffering and glory, to lead with the attitude, motivation, and authority of one who will share in His glory.

Fervent Love

Ben Foust
1 Peter 4:7-11

Peter is encouraging Christians to have a fervent love for one another, even in the midst of trials. This present suffering is not the whole picture. Having an eternal focus allows us to endure trials and exert effort to love others, which brings glory to God.

What Does the Future Hold?

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5

Never before in the history of the world have the conditions for the Great Tribulation been visible as they are in our time. Almost all of the signs God has given to us in His Word regarding the preconditions for the end of days are now upon us. Israel has been regathered from the ends of the earth to their own country. The world populations has grown exponentially. We live in a time of amazing technology, moral anarchy and famine/pestilence. But those who have placed their faith in Jesus will not be destined for the wrath to come upon the whole earth. God will rescue those who are His.

Arm Yourself with Readiness to Suffer

Ben Foust
1 Peter 4

Human nature apart from God will always pursue personal comfort and pleasure. But that is a recipe for disappointment. Christians have a category for enduring suffering because they are living for something greater than themselves. Peter instructs his audience to arm themselves with the willingness and expectation of suffering for the sake of the Gospel because they can entrust themselves to a faithful God.

Excellent Behavior:Husbands & Wives Part 3

Ben Foust
1 Peter 3:1-9

What you do matters. As representatives of Christ, we must pay attention to our conduct. We bring honor to Christ when we do right when others are doing wrong to us. In marriage, we are called to treat our spouse the way Christ treated us.