The Bread of Life

Brian Adams
John 6:22-69

Jesus offers the bread that never spoils.  The crowds wanted earthly bread but Jesus wanted to give them something much better, eternal life.

I AM the Bread of Life

James Rochford
John 6:15-71

James explains why the people desired to follow Jesus and why they stopped following Him.  They desired their temporal needs fulfilled but Jesus desired to meet much bigger needs, eternal needs.

Feeding the Multitudes

Conrad Hilario
John 6:1-13

Jesus used the miracle of feeding the multitude to teach that He desires to feed our deepest hunger, our spiritual hunger and that, when we look at the needs around us, to rely on Him and not our own abilities.

Feeding the 5,000

James Rochford
John 6:1-15

When Jesus fed the five thousands, He was doing more than feeding hungry crowds.  He was offering the crowds the Bread of Life so they would never hunger again and He was teaching the disciples that serving others, although rarely easy or convenient, is very fulfilling.

The Feeding of the Five Thousand

Brian Adams
John 6:1-15

The idea of ministry can cause anxiety, especially if we attempt to serve under our own power.  Jesus feeding the five thousand demonstrates all we need to do is bring our pitiful, small offering of our availability and God will do the work.

"Do You Want to Be Healed?"

Conrad Hilario
John 5:2-24

Jesus miraculously heals a man who has been disabled for years. Through his response to Jesus’ actions, we see that our own self-focus can get in the way of coming to faith in Jesus. 

Faith vs. FAITH

Dennis McCallum
John 4:46-54

Growing in faith works the same today as it did in Jesus' time.  A seeking person hears the Word of God and believes and takes a step of faith.  God confirms His Word and the seeker's faith grows bigger.

Don't Settle for Water

James Rochford
John 2:1-11

In our fallen nature, we prefer a formalistic relationship with God.  It is easier to perform rituals than to deeply relate to our Creator on a personal level.  But Jesus' very first miracle of turning water into wine is a sign to us that He is against formalism and wants instead a personal, love-relationship with His followers.

The Wedding at Cana

Dennis McCallum
John 2:1-11

When Jesus turned the water into wine, the miracle was a sign to turn away from external ritualistic washing of the outside of the body and toward being internally washed clean by God through Jesus.