Get A Reality Check

Lee Campbell
Ezekiel 18:1-32

We see in Ezekiel 18 that first we need to be humbled in order to admit our sin against God and to call out to Him for forgiveness

Real Love

Ben Foust
Romans 12:9-16

Paul lays out guidelines for how Christians should relate to others in love, including our enemies. Humility is the foundation of this way of relating.

Big God, Big Verdict

Lee Campbell
Romans 12:9-16

We explore how growing in our fear of the Lord helps us grow in our understanding of our identity.

Teaching from Your New Identity

Keira Williamson
Romans 12:9-16

How does our identity in Christ affect our Bible teaching? This session will explore common pitfalls of misplaced identity and practicalities for how to speak from God's power.

Becoming Peacemakers

Ken Sande
Romans 12:9-16

Developing Risk Takers

John Ross
Romans 12:9-16

In a culture obsessed with self-protection, how can we encourage life-giving faith in disciples? We discuss as a group New Testament examples and layout five practical steps.

Putting Others Before Ourselves

Kay Robinson
Philippians 2:1-15

Jesus is our perfect example of putting others ahead of self. He set aside His godly attributes to become like us in human form in order to rescue us from the penalty of our sin. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to follow His example of self-sacrifice through dependence upon the God's Word, prayer, and the ministry of suffering.

Clothe Yourself with Humility

Ben Foust
1 Peter 5:5-7

Peter calls on all Christians to clothe themselves with humility because a humble mindset is essential equipment for the "fiery ordeals' we will encounter. He calls us to be humble toward God, those "over' us, those "under" us, one another, and toward our worries. This is God's way! Although it is hard on the pride, it is the way of truth and freedom and confidence.

Responding to Slander

Ben Foust
1 Peter 3:8-16

Peter challenges us to live a life that a watching world is compelled to demand an explanation for the hope they see in us. And we are to have ready a well-reasoned explanation that points to Jesus.