Serving Love in the Body of Christ, Part Two

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:16-28

Dennis finishes up 1 Thessalonians 5 with the remaining imperatives of effective body life. He calls all Christians to rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks, not quench the Spirit, and have discernment on spiritual matters. It is not up to us to muster the ability to do these things, but for us to depend upon God to bring it to pass.

More Keys to Healthy Spiritual Community

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 5:16-28

Healthy spiritual community requires love relationships among fellow Christians as they also relate to a loving God. In these passages, the focus will be on the vertical relationship with God, us speaking to God and God speaking to us. This will involve the keys of rejoicing, praying, thanksgiving, being open to receiving input from the Holy Spirit and rejecting any form of evil.

Living Stones

Ben Foust
1 Peter 2:4-10

As living stones in God's spiritual temple, we are a part of what God is doing in the world. As living stones we are different, serve together, and have purpose.

The God Who Is Morally Separate

James Rochford
Exodus 19:1-25

Humans compare themselves to each other when evaluating their relative morality. They tend to put themselves half way between Hitler and Mother Teresa, but when we compare ourselves to God's standard of morality, we are all on the same level. No one can come to God on their own merits. The question is whether you want to have Moses of the Law (fear and trembling) or Jesus (forgiveness, security) as your mediator ?

Is There Hope for Healthy Marriages?

James Rochford
Ephesians 5:21-33

With all the depressing statistics on marriage, it is fair to ask if there is hope for healthy marriages. The Bible has answers to what plagues postmodern relationships. Don't be put off by the message that the wife is to be subject to, and respect her husband and the husband is to love and lead his wife. Dig deeper into this passage and come away with the truly amazing way to have a successful marriage!

Are Christians Allowed to Drink?

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 5:15-20

Many churches forbid alcohol consumption but God is not opposed to drinking alcohol, just getting drunk. Instead of being controlled by mind-altering substances, the Bible says to be filled with the Spirit. God wants you to fill the emptiness you feel with the relational and spiritual side of life, not with substances. Only God's presence in your life will fill the void you feel.

The Spirit-Filled Life

Scott Risley
Ephesians 5:18-21

Ephesians Chapter Five speaks of the three aspects of being filled with the Spirit. First, speak to oneself in spiritual hymns, psalms and songs. Second, always give thanks for all things. Third, be subject to one another in the the fear of Christ. If you are not experiencing a spiritually fulfilled life, have you received the Holy Spirit? If you have, are you asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

The Spirit-Filled Life

James Rochford
Proverbs 23:29-35

The key to deep change that leads to a Spirit-filled life is the Holy Spirit. First, one must put their faith in Jesus to forgive their sins, and they will receive the Holy Spirit. Next, living a life of speaking God's truth, giving thanks, and serving others in love leads to a life of sacrificial love, or a Spirit-filled life.

Transforming Leadership Part 1:The Heart of Leadership

Jim Leffel
Titus 1:1-4

The three dimensions of transformed leadership are three overlapping circles consisting of Servant, Relationship and Calling. Paul introduces himself as the servant of God, transformed by His love. He is writing to his true son in the faith, Titus. He identifies his calling as an apostle of Jesus, sent on a sacred task. Transformed people transform leadership.